How to Keep Your Dog Dry During the Rainy Winter Season

How to Keep Your Dog Dry During the Rainy Winter Season

At the moment it’s raining in Sydney, so I thought this Blog may help. Does your dog adore running around in the middle of a rainstorm (like my Paddington), or shudder at thought of stepping a paw out at the first sign of moisture (like my Nero)?

I can assure you from personal experience whichever category your dog falls under, going for a walk in either of these cases can be a stressful experience. For starters, rain can make otherwise well behaved dogs skittish or overexcited. Then there is a matter of mud and rainwater getting all over your dog, your car and house! Have a strategy. Take these tips and you will be enjoying rainy strolls together in no time!

  • Create a positive experience: for some dogs rain is a fun addition to their daily walk, but for others, not so much. If you sense your dog has some anxiety about going out in the rain, don’t feed that by mirroring their energy. Instead, try to set a positive vibe around your adventures in the rain and lead by example. Be sure to stay supportive and empathetic to your dog’s sensitivities to ease them into this new routine.
  • Stay away from busy streets: even if your dog is otherwise perfectly behaved during walks, rainy weather – specifically splashing cars – can pose a new set of challenges. The last thing you want to risk is your dog overreacting and jumping into traffic or getting soaked or startled by dirty rainwater. To prevent this, stick to smaller residential streets where there’s little to no traffic.


Keep your dog on a leash: going along with the point mentioned above, you need to make sure your dog is secure on a leash each time you take them out in the rain. Even if you are normally used to walking your dog off leash, rain can bring sudden triggers for animals that wouldn’t necessarily be present otherwise. If for instance a sudden thunderclap or splash of water from a car takes your dog out of its secure mindset, you can end up having a dangerous chase. So take the extra precaution and security – it’s a small step that can make a world of difference for you and your dog’s safety.

    Gear Up
    Now we’re getting to the most important aspect of your strategy, the proper rain gear for your dog and yourself (of course). After all, dogs are family, and just like you wouldn’t send your children out to play in the rain without the right attire, your shouldn’t do it to your dog either.


    Raincoats: the number one rain accessory you can get for your dog is a high quality raincoat. Most dogs hate going out in the rain simply because they hate getting wet, and that shouldn’t be a surprise. Just like you need comfortable rain gear to venture out in the rain, so does your dog. Luckily the Elwin Quilted Raincoat is not only stylish, but also wind proof and rain proof.


    Add layers for chilly days: if you need an extra layer to venture out, you can bet your dog would appreciate one as well. The Smithy Polo Neck Dog Jumper is knitted from top quality pure natural wool which is gorgeously soft and cosy. Importantly this yarn stays dry when you are caught in a light shower.


    Prep for the Return Home
    Despite your best intentions and efforts you’ll likely have to deal with with a bit of mud at the end of the walk. That is why it is especially important to have a foolproof plan for you return home.


    Designate a space: the last thing you want when you return home is to have your muddy, wet dog running through your clean house. To make sure this doesn’t happen, designate a space where the cleanup is going to happen.

    • Have the right tools ready: the first thing you need to do when you get home is to clean and dry your dog off as quickly as possible. Think about all of the tools you need and have them ready in your designated area. These might include a bucket of water, liquid soap, wipes, towels, brushes or even a dryer. Having everything ready in one spot can turn a seemingly impossible task into a surprisingly manageable one. Plus, when your dog realises getting wet doesn’t last forever, it’ll be much more likely to want to join you for more walks in the rain.
    I hope these tips help you get ready for the rainy winter season! With a little bit of planning, the right gear and some positive attitude you can turn the rainy days into a fun outdoor adventure!
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